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制造商编号 109990267
制 造 商 SEEED(矽递)  
唯样编号 A-109990267
供货 自营
无铅情况/RoHs 无铅/符合RoHs
SDRPlay Radio Spectrum Processor 2



参数信息 商品简介 常见问题


参数 参数值 操作
商品目录 无线电频谱处理器
功能 软件无线电(SDR)
频率 1KHz~2GHz
接口 USB
电压 - 电源 4.7V

The RSP2 is a powerful wideband full-featured SDR which covers all frequencies from 1 kHz up to 2 GHz. This enhanced version of the popular RSP1 provides three software selectable antenna inputs, & new stability and clocking features ideally suited to industrial, scientific & educational applications. Combined with the power of SDRuno receiver software this versatile receiver can monitor up to 10 MHz of spectrum at a time. The RSP2 is housed in an RF shielded robust plastic case.

It can used for many applications; for example, amateurs can build general coverage RX, panadapter, trunked radio, SSTV, HFFAZ and packet radio with RSP2. About industrial users, they could use RSP2 for surveillance, EMI/EMC monitoring, ADS-B, remote broadcast monitoring, RF surveying etc.


•Continuous coverage from 1 kHz to 2 GHz

•Up to 10 MHz visible bandwidth

•Powers over the USB cable with a simple type B socket

•12-bit ADC silicon technology (not another 8-bit dongle!)

•10 high-selectivity, built in front-end preselection filters

•Software selectable multi-level Low Noise Preamplifier

•SDRuno—World Class SDR software

•Open API for new apps development

•2 x SMA Software Selectable Antenna Inputs

•1 x High Impedance Input for long wire antennas

•Software selectable MW /FM notch filters

•Highly stable 0.5PPM TCXO trimmable to 0.01PPM

•24MHz Reference clock input / output connections

•4.7V Bias-T (Port B only)

•Robust and strong plastic case

•RF shielding layer inside case

Key Benefits

• Low power consumption, Ideal for portable operation

• Covers all frequencies from experimental LF through to L-Band 

• Supports simultaneous HF and VHF antenna combinations 

• Includes world class SDRUno SDR software • Support for other popular SDR packages (including HDSDR, SDR Console, Cubic SDR and GNU Radio) will follow 

• Ability to synchronise multiple RSPs 

• Software upgradeable for future standards 

• Strong and growing software support network 

• API provided for demodulator or application development 

• Multiplatform support including Linux, Mac, Android and Raspberry Pi 2/3 will follow 

• Up to 16 individual receive channels in any 10MHz slice of spectrum using SDRuno 

• Calibrated S meter and power measurements with SDRuno

SURuno is a free general purpose software defined radio program for the RSP2. SDRuno contains native support for the SDRPlay RSP2 and no extra plugins are required. Third party hardware can also be supported via extra IO interface.

SDRuno provides a rugged and flexible, high performance SDR receiver capability and boasts some excellent features:

• Multiple virtual receiver support 

• Class leading audio quality 

• Calibrated S meter and power measurements 

• RDS support with “DX Mode” for low signal environment 

• Active Noise cancelling 

• RF Notch Filtering 

• CAT and Omnirig control 

• SSB/AM and Synchronous AM modes 

• WBFM and NFM with AFC

Technical details

Dimensions 98mm x86mm x32mm
Weight G.W 129g
Battery Exclude

Part List

SDRplay RSP2 1
ECCN 5A991.b
HSCODE 9030409000
USHSCODE 9030890100

The RSP2 is a powerful wideband full-featured SDR which covers all frequencies from 1 kHz up to 2 GHz. This enhanced version of the popular RSP1 provides three software selectable antenna inputs, & new stability and clocking features ideally suited to industrial, scientific & educational applications. Combined with the power of SDRuno receiver software this versatile receiver can monitor up to 10 MHz of spectrum at a time. The RSP2 is housed in an RF shielded robust plastic case.

It can used for many applications; for example, amateurs can build general coverage RX, panadapter, trunked radio, SSTV, HFFAZ and packet radio with RSP2. About industrial users, they could use RSP2 for surveillance, EMI/EMC monitoring, ADS-B, remote broadcast monitoring, RF surveying etc.


•Continuous coverage from 1 kHz to 2 GHz

•Up to 10 MHz visible bandwidth

•Powers over the USB cable with a simple type B socket

•12-bit ADC silicon technology (not another 8-bit dongle!)

•10 high-selectivity, built in front-end preselection filters

•Software selectable multi-level Low Noise Preamplifier

•SDRuno—World Class SDR software

•Open API for new apps development

•2 x SMA Software Selectable Antenna Inputs

•1 x High Impedance Input for long wire antennas

•Software selectable MW /FM notch filters

•Highly stable 0.5PPM TCXO trimmable to 0.01PPM

•24MHz Reference clock input / output connections

•4.7V Bias-T (Port B only)

•Robust and strong plastic case

•RF shielding layer inside case

Key Benefits

• Low power consumption, Ideal for portable operation

• Covers all frequencies from experimental LF through to L-Band 

• Supports simultaneous HF and VHF antenna combinations 

• Includes world class SDRUno SDR software • Support for other popular SDR packages (including HDSDR, SDR Console, Cubic SDR and GNU Radio) will follow 

• Ability to synchronise multiple RSPs 

• Software upgradeable for future standards 

• Strong and growing software support network 

• API provided for demodulator or application development 

• Multiplatform support including Linux, Mac, Android and Raspberry Pi 2/3 will follow 

• Up to 16 individual receive channels in any 10MHz slice of spectrum using SDRuno 

• Calibrated S meter and power measurements with SDRuno

SURuno is a free general purpose software defined radio program for the RSP2. SDRuno contains native support for the SDRPlay RSP2 and no extra plugins are required. Third party hardware can also be supported via extra IO interface.

SDRuno provides a rugged and flexible, high performance SDR receiver capability and boasts some excellent features:

• Multiple virtual receiver support 

• Class leading audio quality 

• Calibrated S meter and power measurements 

• RDS support with “DX Mode” for low signal environment 

• Active Noise cancelling 

• RF Notch Filtering 

• CAT and Omnirig control 

• SSB/AM and Synchronous AM modes 

• WBFM and NFM with AFC

Technical details

Dimensions 98mm x86mm x32mm
Weight G.W 129g
Battery Exclude

Part List

SDRplay RSP2 1
ECCN 5A991.b
HSCODE 9030409000
USHSCODE 9030890100

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价格梯度 单价(含税)


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